Head of School
Welcome to the Discovery Prep School!

The Discovery Prep School was born out of the belief that our children, the future of this country, deserve more than what is being packaged as “common” in our factory-styled schools. We are a home for the idealists, altruists, the freethinkers, and the doers. We are a home for those who understand that real learning requires real risk (and hard work). We believe that discovery can only be achieved when student interest and curiosity are celebrated and placed at the forefront of instructional design. We believe deeply in the richness that comes from allowing teenagers to build upon their unique and often innate talents, talents that may lend themselves to academic, athletic, artistic, or philanthropic pursuits. We have built a team of educators, mentors and coaches who are inspired by this same belief. As a result, our faculty seeks to discover and cultivate each student’s unique and innate talents.
The Discovery Prep School provides opportunities for students to take intellectual, artistic and athletic risks, risks that propel our students towards the extraordinary! Our Quest-based program (see “Projects and Quests” page) offers students profound opportunities to design and direct their own learning. These opportunities are central to the future-minded program we created which blends the best of educational technologies with personalized, real-world instructional experiences. The Discovery Prep School advocates for an experiential model of education. This model holds academic study as essential, while also placing vocational skills as equal and complimentary. As such we require all students to engage deeply in both intellectual and vocational pursuits (see master/apprentice program).
The Discovery Prep School is a creative community; a home for students and parents who know and feel that education should inspire. I am excited that you are exploring your educational options, and are contemplating our community. Please enjoy our website, and contact me with every question you may have. I look forward to working and learning alongside you and your student.
Together we can transform the lives of our kids. Shoot me your email address below and I’ll reach out.
Warm Wishes,
Clint Davis, M.A. Columbia University
Founding Head of School